Wednesday, April 4, 2012


My experience with LinkedIn was brief. I didn't want to take it seriously right now since there was alot of things I could do career wise with the website. At first, it was confusing to navigate, as its contents regards to such things like careers and professional networks.
However, the tools and step by step instructions made it easier to get a handle on the site. I filled out some academic information about myself, as well as languages that I can speak. In the future, I will definitely upgrade my profile as I tackle the professional world.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Internet Fundamentals.

First of all, I really like this class. As an internet user for years, I thought the class will be just a review for me. Surprisingly, it's not.... I think about 50 to 60 percent of the material are things I am familiar with. But other aspects like the origins of the internet, using google for other things instead of searching, and virtual communities used in the workplace are all too new to me.
What I like about the class is the powerpoint presentations. I have other classes where the teacher is lecturing without any visual aid, and even though I still listen, I find that boring to say the least.
Another thing I like about the class is the broad technical knowledge of Miss/Mrs. Ryan (I don't know her marital status). If I ask a question, she has an answer ready.
Regarding cons, I can't really think of any. Perhaps the fact that I got a 15/17 on part 2 of the midterm when I really thought I had a perfect score.... I mean really..... I wish I knew what I did wrong.

Tweet tweet twitter.

I have heard of twitter long ago. Maybe back in 2009.
The hype was great but since I don't constantly blog about everything I do, I bluntly decided not to use it at all. I still don't want to use it, but it does seem interesting.
Twitter is not a passing fad as it will be around for a while. To me, passing fads are things that explode into mainstream culture for only a short time. Twitter is still around after several years since its release.
I have met several people that have "tweeted" all the time. The forums I visit have profiles of people that provide a link to their twitter accounts. When I watch the news, newscasters provide twitter information about the events taking place around the world. Twitter is still flying around the world.. and I am not part of the adventure. It could be a loss for me considering the amount of hype it holds, but I am not too concerned. After all, I cannot keep up with stuff someone will do every 5 minutes.